My Commitment To You

There are a few points I would like to emphasize about my candidacy…

  • I do not view this position as a steppingstone to higher office. I never did. In all my prior years as your Ward Councillor I never once ran for any other office, and never will. I am only interested in working for you – my friends and neighbors – the residents of Ward 9.

  • I am not running as part of any group, coalition, slate, or political machine. I am running my own campaign, as an individual candidate, and if elected will owe my allegiance only to the voters of Ward 9

  • I do not represent any special interests, and never did! And to underscore that fact my campaign is not accepting ANY contributions whatsoever from developers OR the attorneys who represent them – now or in the future. In fact, we have already returned a number of contributions that we received in the mail. To be clear, these were legal contributions that we could have accepted. We simply chose not to, and we sent them back – and will do so in the future. If elected I will represent you and nobody but you!

  • My number 1 promise to you, the voters of Ward 9 is that if you put your trust in me by electing me as your Ward Councillor I will always be responsive. I will respond to your communications in a timely manner and work diligently to represent you and to address your issues and concerns, just as I always have.

I would consider it an honor and a privilege to serve as your Ward 9 City Councillor!